Igor GarshinGovernment relations
1978 – 1991. Ministry of Communications of the Belarusian Socialist Republic.
Head of the Department of City and Town Communications Development; later – Head of the Technical Department.
Organizing and coordinating the introduction of new technologies in various industries. Ensured the general computerization of communication facilities of the republic and the modernization of the industrial computer center.
1992 – 1994. Ministry of Communications and Informatics of the Republic of Belarus.
Member of the Board, Head of the Scientific and Technological Development and External Relations Department.
Personally developed and coordinated the implementation of the strategy of communications and information technologies development in independent Belarus. Organized the development and introduction of my own sectoral licensing system and certification system for means of communications and informatics in the republic.
Prepared and coordinated the implementation of several international agreements with large transnational telecom operators. Organized the attraction of the first in the CIS space European Bank for Reconstruction and Development loan to create the infrastructure. Based on these agreements and the involved funds of EBRD the independent international communications system of the Republic of Belarus was created; the intercity and international communications network of the republic was significantly expanded and modernized with digital technology.
Organized the attraction of foreign partners and coordinated the foundation of the state`s first mobile operator “Belsel”.
1995 – 2001. “Rostelecom” Inc.
Executive Director of International Communications; later – Deputy Director of the “International Communications” Department.
Participated in the development and implementation of international communication improvement strategy, whereby the network of international fiber-optic routes connecting Russia with a number of neighboring countries was significantly expanded, and 8 international communication centers (MCC) of the country were modernized and expanded.
2002 – 2010. “Telecom Sistema” Inc.; later – “Sistema” Inc.
Head of Regional and International Development Departments.
Coordinated both the local and foreign expansion of the telecommunications companies of the holding, including “MTS” Inc. – the leader of the Russian mobile market. During this period, the holding has swallowed up a number of regional mobile operators, which has led to its nationwide presence in all regions of Russia and the multiple increase of “MTS” subscriber base.
Since 2008 to 2010, participated in the development and successful implementation of a strategy of entering the highly competitive telecommunication market of India.
Organized a deal of acquiring a regional operator of wire and wireless communications in the state of Rajasthan. Based on the operator a nationwide CDMA standard mobile operator with a presence in all 22 licensed districts of India and a subscriber base of about 17 million was created within 3 years.
2011 – 2019. “Mobile TeleSystems” Inc. (MTS).
Head of “MTS Foreign Companies” Business Unit.
Participated in the development and implementation of the strategy of international expansion of “MTS” to foreign markets; coordinated the development of subsidiaries in Armenia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.
Organized and coordinated the management of “Sistema Shyam TeleServices” – a subsidiary of “Sistema in India” corporation (operating under the “MTS” brand). Under the management of “MTS”, the strategy of focusing the SSTL operator (“MTS India”) on high-speed data services was successfully implemented.